“Oh. My. God. What did you say?” she asked, and I could hear the anticipation in her voice. I walked into the grocery store and grabbed a basket, immediately seeking out what I needed to make breakfast.
“The truth,” I said simply, maybe just to get a rise out of her.
“Which would be…” she said, dragging out the last word, and I could almost see her twisting her head in a way that said ‘quit holding out on me.’
“I love him, too,” I said simply. I pulled the phone away from my ear again, prepared this time for the shrieking. I grabbed a carton of eggs and headed over to the meats for the bacon as I waited for Alice to calm down. I put the phone back to my ear when I could hear her voice at a normal level.
“I’m so freaking happy for you, Bella! And I’m sorry Rose and I didn’t tell you, but Edward really wanted to be the one to do it, and we thought you should hear it from him anyway,” she said quickly.
“I know, Al, and it’s okay. I’m glad I heard it from him, and I don’t really care how we got to this point. I’m just so glad that we did.”
Alice and I talked more about the previous night, while I meandered the store. I picked up some orange juice for Edward and I, and then paid using one of the self-checkout stations. Those stupid things always go wrong, and I had to ask for help, which ended up talking ten minutes longer than it should have.
“I swear, Alice, I could have been back by now. I bet you he just woke up, too,” I said in frustration.
“Calm down, Bella,” she laughed. “Your cooter will get some soon.”