Well, I managed to write a chapter this week and it's with the FGB pre-reader. It will probably go up in a few days, but I thought I would send something to tide you guys over. Thanks for being so supportive when RL kicks my ass.
Almost an hour later Edward and I had finally managed to get dressed, after another quick session in the shower, and were just about to walk outside when there was a sharp knock at the door. Edward quirked his eye brows, clearly not expecting anyone and went to answer it as I grabbed my purse from the counter. “Maybe Jasper forgot his keys?” I offered as Edward just shrugged his shoulders and opened the door.
“Shit,” Edward remarked with frustration in his voice as I turned around and noticed an older man standing the door.
“Well, that wasn’t exactly the kind of reception I was expecting,” the man said as he extended his hand to Edward who shook it tenuously. Whoever the hell was at the door, Edward didn’t look pleased to see him.
“Well perhaps if you had called in advance, rather than just showing up, I wouldn’t have been caught off guard like I was,” Edward replied as the two men stared each other down and I tried to figure out how I knew the gentleman who had just arrived. He looked somewhat familiar, but I just couldn’t place where I had seen him before until he spoke.
“If you ever answered my calls last night, Son, then I wouldn’t have had to come over unannounced.”
“I was a little busy last night.”
“Too busy to answer a phone call from your father?”
“I didn’t answer the phone, so obviously yes, I was too busy.” Edward glanced over to me briefly as I stood there in my skirt from the night before and a button down shirt of Edward’s. I wouldn’t have usually felt self conscious, but the last thing I wanted to do was make a bad first impression with Edward’s father. Carlisle Cullen was world renowned and if I was on his bad side, I didn’t even want to think of how that would go over in the next few months with the internship and my eventual residency.
“Oh well, I see why you were busy. I’ll just wait until you say your goodbyes to your umm… guest.”