Room 15 Epilogue Teaser

Okay, so this is in the final beta stages and will probably be up later this week, but I had to share a snippit.

"You know what's weird?" I asked as we paced anxiously inside the bridal room at Forks First Lutheran Church. "Why do they call this place the First Lutheran Church when it's the only one in Forks? Shouldn't they just call it Forks Lutheran Church or The Only Lutheran Church in Forks?" The taffeta of my dress crinkled loudly in the quiet room as I moved around. I was anxious, but that was to be expected, right?

This day was a long time coming and in the year since Edward had left the University of Washington to pursue his music career, we both had come a long way in finding a perfect balance in our lives. His music was thriving and he had finally finished the piece that had haunted him for months, which he called Bella's Lullaby. It was a beautiful piece that made my body almost sing for him each time I heard it.

I was flattered that he had named the song after me, but when he told me that he had started composing it after we first had sex in the library, I had to blush. Then I had to fuck him on our dining room table; it was only fitting. Plus, he told me late at night and we didn't exactly have time to get back to the scene of the crime to relive it all over again.

** Also, don't forget that a future take from Room 15 will be part of the author compilation for Fandom For Sexual Assault Awareness. Donate a minimum of $5 to get your copy at Fandom For Sexual Assault Awareness and follow them on twitter @fandom4saa


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