Hi All! I know, I have been AWOL recently. Feel free to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the ear infection and cold I have been battling. I'm almost 100% though, so that should make us all happy, right?
Anywhoo, I just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up that I have posted my auction items on the Fandom Gives Back auction site.
I'm offering up 3 original one shots or outtakes from any of my stories for $25 a piece, not including MIFFY, A Beautiful Mess or Room 15. You can find the link to that auction here.
I'm also offering up chapters of the FINALLY expanded Room 15. I'm offering up 30 chapters, $20 a piece, with the chapters to be posted on fanfiction.net after delivery to the purchaser. More information on the auction link here.
If you are interested in an outtake from either Maybe I'm Falling For You or A Beautiful Mess then check the fandom gives back profiles for my collaborators, Flightlessbird11 and Risbee.