Holy Moly... Can you believe this is the last official chapter? There's an epilogue and an outtake of their wedding to follow, but hopefully tomorrow I will be posting the last chapter. Oh, how they have come so far. Enjoy the Teaser:
“Do you remember this one?” I asked of Edward as I was pulled from my daydream about our past. It was still so amazing to me how far we had come together. We were standing in front of ‘Sunflowers’ by Van Gogh again and I looked down at Hayden who was now fast asleep, his little arms wrapped around the stuffed toy of Leonardo Da Vinci we had gotten him from the gift shop.
“Yeah, I remember it and I still don’t like it,” laughed Edward as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. Every time we were together like this, I felt like a puzzle piece that was matched with its perfect piece. I looked up at him with a wide grin on my face and kissed him sweetly. “Are you trying to mystify me into liking it cause it won’t happen. It looks like a mess.”
“I won’t try to make you like it baby,” I said genuinely as I entwined my fingers in his and rested my head against his shoulder; reveling in the moment of solitude we had been granted. “It is beautiful though, even though your untrained eye doesn’t see it. Let’s go check out some of the other masterpieces before the little troublemaker wakes up.”