Maybe I'm Falling For You Chapter 28 - Teaser

“Smells good Mr. Cullen,” she said as she strolled towards me and kissed my cheek sweetly. She eyed up the flowers in a small vase, on my counter and smiled brightly. “Are those for me?”

“No, they are for my other girlfriend. Maggie and I have become tight since you have me doing thrice daily coffee runs for you,” I said with a laugh as Bella looked at me scornfully.”I’m bringing them to her later, after we cuddle.”

“Do I need to remind you of my medical condition?” She gestured with her hand towards her side where her incision lay, healing nicely. I rolled my eyes and checked the rice on the stove as the timer went off for the oven. “Wow, you really went all out.”

“Well, it’s only once your girlfriend turns twenty five. Unless of course you are Hugh Hefner, in which case it happens several times a year.” Just as I was reaching into the stove to pull out the dish with our chicken in it, there was a loud obnoxious knock at the door. I looked at Bella and shrugged my shoulders because I didn’t think anyone would be coming over tonight. At least I hoped not.

“Emmett, do you wanna help?” I heard Alice ask on the other side of the door.

Oh fuck no.


lily said...

Ha Edward's probably like are you kidding me!?!?!?! I thought I could get lucky lol

Bouncy72 said...

Sha I really am going to have to start getting here before the chapters post!

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