“Are you alright Bella?” James questioned as I shoved my phone back into my pocket and I stretched my arm out and touched his shoulder sweetly, giving him the wrong impression completely, but not really caring at that moment. Just like I anticipated, the moment I looked up towards the kitchen and I saw Edward standing there in the doorway, looking completely fuckable in a black Pink Floyd t-shirt that was faded and clearly had seen better days. He narrowed his eyes at me as though he was angry and I simply felt emboldened, by the booze and his response.
“I’m wonderful James. So you were saying that you guys work under the Editor and he gives you assignments right? Do you get to advise him the type of work you would prefer to do?” I questioned as James’ smile perked up and he began rambling on about how he hated the sports beat and preferred to do local news or politics. It was mundane and his voice annoyed me, but it was having the desired effect because Edward literally looked furious.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as he shoved Blondie’s hand off his shoulder and then ignore her as she tried to speak to him. She gave up a few minutes into my conversation with James, but Edward never once wavered. I seriously think he was trying to do some sort of Jedi mind trick on James and make him disappear.
You know Edward, this could all be so easy if you would just acknowledge my existence, I thought to myself as I pulled my mind away from thoughts of Edward and I tried to focus on what James was saying.
So next week I get to interview the Dean and I’m planning to ask some hard hitting questions about the increases in tuition that they have scheduled for next fall. I heard the board hasn’t yet approved the increases, but anytime more money is involved it seems like a yes is moments away,” James blabbered on as I felt my phone vibrate again in my pocket and I smiled smugly as I finished off my beer and put my cup down on a small table behind us as I fished the phone out of my pocket.
“Sorry, just give me one minute to check this,” I explained to James with false sincerity as he nodded his head in response. Alice and Jasper took the moment to break away from us and head into the kitchen for a refill, but I turned down their offer for a refill. I had to be in the right frame of mind when fuckery was a foot.
Tell him you are spoken for Bella –E
“I’m wonderful James. So you were saying that you guys work under the Editor and he gives you assignments right? Do you get to advise him the type of work you would prefer to do?” I questioned as James’ smile perked up and he began rambling on about how he hated the sports beat and preferred to do local news or politics. It was mundane and his voice annoyed me, but it was having the desired effect because Edward literally looked furious.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as he shoved Blondie’s hand off his shoulder and then ignore her as she tried to speak to him. She gave up a few minutes into my conversation with James, but Edward never once wavered. I seriously think he was trying to do some sort of Jedi mind trick on James and make him disappear.
You know Edward, this could all be so easy if you would just acknowledge my existence, I thought to myself as I pulled my mind away from thoughts of Edward and I tried to focus on what James was saying.
So next week I get to interview the Dean and I’m planning to ask some hard hitting questions about the increases in tuition that they have scheduled for next fall. I heard the board hasn’t yet approved the increases, but anytime more money is involved it seems like a yes is moments away,” James blabbered on as I felt my phone vibrate again in my pocket and I smiled smugly as I finished off my beer and put my cup down on a small table behind us as I fished the phone out of my pocket.
“Sorry, just give me one minute to check this,” I explained to James with false sincerity as he nodded his head in response. Alice and Jasper took the moment to break away from us and head into the kitchen for a refill, but I turned down their offer for a refill. I had to be in the right frame of mind when fuckery was a foot.
Tell him you are spoken for Bella –E
**There's no current ETA for the next chapter, but I'm thinking before next weekend.**