Room 15 Chapter 7 - Teaser

“What’s got your knickers in a knot, sunshine?” asked Alice as she walked in the front door and saw me pacing through the living room, anxious as a cat in heat. I was trying not to let my conscience overwhelm me because I regretted everything about the day… from the sex to the about to be deceitful sort of date with Emmett. I shouldn’t have bothered to get out of bed that morning. Life would have been so much easier if I hadn’t.

“Nothing… it’s… no… you know, it’s the pressure from the internship.”

“You’re rambling incoherently, Bella. Have you suffered some sort of head trauma recently?”

“I am not rambling. There has been no head trauma because I haven’t been in a car with you,” I snapped defensively as Alice, who didn’t give a shit about my insult to her driving, side stepped around me, watching my every move like a hawk. For some reason, I felt like her prey and I was suddenly very concerned, both for my health and for my obvious secret.

“You are also defensive. Your hair isn’t the same as it was in the morning and oh my god… your shirt is on inside out. You got fucked!!”

“No… no… no. I didn’t Alice, I swear. Really my shirt is on inside out?” I began pulling out my top and sure enough, as my hand reached around the back of my neck, there was the tag, on the outside of my shirt.

“Was it Emmett, you were supposed to meet with him today right?” Alice grasped my arm tightly and pulled me down onto the couch, sweeping my bags into the corner so that she could grill me in comfort. I could already tell by the twinkle in her eye that she was confident in her powers of deduction and there was no way I was getting out of her clutches without telling her something. I would just have to lie.

“I got a new vibrator.”


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