I know... what is this fuckery, two teasers in one night? I'm feeling generous. Flightlessbird11 picked out this little teaser, so enjoy!
We walked down the street, hand in hand and talked about the most random shit, much like we had done earlier in the morning. It seemed as if Edward was trying to play twenty questions with me. Honestly, it all seemed oddly familiar.
When we reached my place, Edward said that he had some work to do at home, pictures to develop, I guessed. I told him that I didn’t mind and that I’d call him. He stood there for a moment, like he was waiting for me to do something. He leaned in but stopped a few inches from my face, and I felt the warm breath of his exhale on my face. I furrowed my brow and frowned, confused when Edward closed his eyes and pulled away from my face. My expression softened after a moment, when I realized that he was trying to decide if it was okay to kiss me.
I laughed quietly, my shoulders jerking forward in small movements. Without a word, I stood on my toes and pressed my lips to his soft ones. He tasted so sweet, like he always did, and I loved it. Edward smiled into the kiss before capturing my lips with more force, and snaking his tongue into my mouth in such a seductive movement. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down until I was standing flat on my feet again. He grabbed my hips with both of his hands as he bent down. I pulled away slowly, not wanting to let go, but my heart was racing too fast.
“Don’t be afraid to kiss me,” I stated simply as I touched Edward’s cheek with my fingertips. There was a small amount of stubble on his face, due to the fact that he’s stayed the night with me. It felt rough, yet surprisingly wonderful underneath the tips of my fingers, but I wanted to feel it rubbing along other parts of my body.
“Good, because I really wanted to,” he replied, smirking. He pressed his lips to mine once more, as if to emphasize this new understanding that we had come to.