Paperback_Writer: Hey Stranger.
PennyLane84: So you are talking to me again. Have I apologized enough? Would you like me on my knees begging for your forgiveness?
Paperback_Writer: I might like you on your knees, but you won’t be begging.
PennyLane84: You have such a dirty mind PBW.
Paperback_Writer: Are you complaining?
I found myself suddenly feeling very frisky yet also somewhat remorseful. Here I was having just made a pseudo date with Bella for tomorrow morning and I was totally hitting on Penny. What the hell was I supposed to do? Perhaps I should reign in the feelings that Penny stirred in me and just take a step back for a moment. Go back to the casual friend thing we had going before.
PennyLane84: Not complaining one bit. Your sexy banter is making my girly bits weak.