The Resolution Chapter 10 Teaser

“Shit… fuck,” I muttered out as I noticed Edward quirk his eyebrow. I had clearly been caught. “Sorry, I was just wondering when the movie is supposed to come on,” I said tensely, although I hoped I was sounding casual. The last thing I wanted was Edward to call me out on staring at his junk because I would have word vomit spew from my mouth and I would no doubt admit I had been thinking about giving him a blow job. Not exactly first date talk unless you are Jessica Stanley, in which case a first date isn’t successful unless she’s been fucked thoroughly.


ClancyJane said...

fucking Hilarious : )
cant wait to read the whole thing

Anonymous said...

LMAO sounds good

Sparagus said...

OMG lol-too funny. :) Can't wait for Chapter 10! :)

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